Commenting working again ...thought it was a 8.5.1 bug...can you spot the error ?

My comments stopped working after upgrading to 8.5.1.

I first thought was a 8.5.1 bug, because comments worked fine on my development 8.5 server.

Both servers run on Linux, Centos 5.3.

It actually happened to be (it seems) a tiny error I had made in this piece below. Previous Domino versions apparently had a more relaxed attitude to things

xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" )
xmlhttp.send("&commentName=" + escape(a)+"&commentEmail="+escape(b)+"&commentWebsite="+escape(c)+"&commentBody="+escape(d)+"&blogEntryID="+escape(e));

Can you see where it is?

Posted on 10/13/2009 05:41:49 PM CEDT