How to use the Pidgin IM instead of the Notes 8.5.3 embeddded Sametime, when the client does not behave well

My embedded Sametime IM in my Lotus Notes 8.5.3 client does not behave well at all.

I am a member of, a network of Lotus Notes freelance consultants and we have a Sametime server to communicate with each other.

After upgrading my Notes client to version 8.5.3 it has be nothing but trouble it feels.
The Sametime server was upgraded and since then a bunch of error messages keep popin' up.
I was advised to upgrade the embedded client by the admin and I did. That did remove the error messages, but instead I got some new ones and from one day on the list of uses did not show anymore
Instead when hovering over the list a puzzling message would show.

Sametime is just WAY to sensitive to version issues etc! (no wonder Sametime has gotten a bad reputation).

So why not go for the stuff the works! The Pidgin Instant Messenger.

Pidgin supports a bunch of IM standards:
    • AIM
    • Bonjour
    • Gadu-Gadu
    • Google Talk
    • Groupwise
    • ICQ
    • IRC
    • MSN
    • MXit
    • MySpaceIM
    • SILC
    • SIMPLE
    • Sametime
    • XMPP
    • Yahoo!
    • Zephyr

Creating an account is really easy

Easy? Yes

But this will NOT work, you will get a "version mismatch" error..

Let's fix this.
Shut down the Pidgin client.
You need to open up the config file for Pidgin "accounts.xml" to do some changes which on window 7 will be at


Go down to the Sametime section for the account you have just created.

<setting name='fake_client_id' type='bool'>1</setting>
<setting name='port' type='int'>1533</setting>
<setting name='force_login' type='bool'>0</setting>
<setting name='server' type='string'></setting>

Replace it with this:

<setting name='fake_client_id' type='bool'>1</setting>
<setting name='client_minor' type='int'>8511</setting>
<setting name='port' type='int'>1533</setting>
<setting name='force_login' type='bool'>0</setting>
<setting name='server' type='string'></setting>
<setting name='client_id_val' type='int'>4608</setting>

and now it should work :-)

Posted on 12/06/2011 01:28:00 PM CET