Upgrading to 8.5.3 Upgrade Pack 1, a bit messy journey

Today I downloaded the Lotus Notes/Domino 8.5.3 Upgrade Pack 1, ran the installer and it quit with an error.

Naive as I was I thought it was a simple install procedure.

Well if you have not installed any of the extLib from OpenNTF, it is.
But I have had the pleasure of the early versions of the ExtLib, so I had to go the messy route.

Per Henrik Lausten made me aware of the Install guide, which has some important points.

In short it is:
- make a change to a config file
- get rid of all the old ExtLib.

You would think that this would be a job for the installer, but no you must manually delete all references.
You must remove ALL old ExtLib files or the installer won't continue.
When I got the installer working without an error I actually uninstalled the Upgrade Pack 1 by mistake.
A small typo with a big difference confused me.
In the last dialog there is an error in the Danish text.

No matter what the installer always says it has uninstalled the Upgrade Pack.
This made me run the installer a couple of times extra until I saw the error... :-).

Posted on 12/14/2011 11:47:19 PM CET